CO Mersey Yacht Club Anchor Dr East Devonport


About the Club
Members Info
Local Diving
The Reefball Site
Dive Club Application Form

Tassie Weather (BOM)
Local Tidal Predictions
Marine & Safety Tasmania
Aus Volunteer Coast Guard
RHH Hyperbaric Chamber
South Pacific Underwater Medical Society

All photos on this site taken by
Leven SCUBA Club Members

Downloadable Forms & Documents


General meetings are held at 7:30 PM on the 1st Thursday of each month (except for public holidays) They are currently held at the Mersey Yacht Club - Anchor Dr East Devonport. New members and guests are welcome to attend, simply ring or send an email beforehand. There are 3 membership categories:

  • Standard Member - Able to participate in all club actvities, sit on the committee & vote.
  • Family Member - Same as standard member but includes 2 or more family members
  • Full Member - Entitled to unlimited air fills from the clubs own compressor and use of hire tanks.

Current membership fees are listed on the Membership Application Form which can be downloaded as a PDF document:  Leven SCUBA Club Membership Application Form. PDF

The club does not conduct diver training or instruction, neither does it service dive equipment. New members wanting to learn to dive will need to complete a recognised open water course either through a dive centre or qualified instructor. Old hands in the club will of course pass on their experience and knowledge to newcomers. Barbeques and club functions tend to have lots of experience and knowledge passed around, much of it of dubious merit!

For safety and comfort, diving members should own or have access to the following dive gear in good servicable condition:

  • Thermal body protection ie wetsuit or drysuit, appropriate to the climate and diving conditions including a hood, gloves and booties
  • Mask, Snorkel and Fins
  • Buoyancy Control Device with 2 independant means of inflation.
  • An approved divers belt with weights or integrated weight system
  • A first stage regulator with the following attachments:
    • A primary second stage or demand valve
    • An alternate air source second stage (occy)
    • A high pressure tank contents guage, a depth guage or these two components combined into a console or wrist dive computer.
  • A dive computer and or divers watch or bottom timer
  • A SCUBA tank in date test.

Highly desirable items also include a divers knife, compass, underwater torch or light, surface marker buoy (Safety Sausage) and if intending fishing for lobster, abalone or scallops; an up to date fishing licence and measuring devices.

Members who wish to fill their own tanks will need to be instructed in the safe use of the compressor and correct tank filling procedure by the Maintenance officer.

The club, may from time to time invite members to participate in away trips, independantly run courses or social functions which can incur additional expenses.

We're not just about diving, after all there's plenty of other club activities to keep us busy. The primary goal is to have fun, whether that be on a local dive or away trip, performing equipment maintenance or participating in the running of the club, attending a club dinner, barbeque or presentation night, you name it, there's something for everyone.