The Leven SCUBA Club has
established two artificial reefs
close to Devonport. The motivation to do so came from the members
desire to
create an underwater structure to attract fish life to an otherwise
barren area
and for recreational diving. The North West Coast of Tasmania like many
regions, is heavily overfished and the club felt that by establishing
artificial reef, something could be put back to redress the situation.
In 1996 the Club purchased a
66 ft. long wooden vessel
which sat derelict in the Mersey River Devonport. Originally a trawler
the Peebinga it was pressed into service as a Diving Tender during WW2
renamed the SEAL in 1949. It was sold by the navy in 1968 and from 1970
to 1980
the vessel worked as a fishing trawler.
Members from the Leven Scuba
Club prepared the vessel for
sinking which included removal of hatch covers and environmentally
cleaning the
bilge's, then towed it to it's present location in 30 metres of water
some 5
kilometres to sea off Don Heads, and scuttled the ship. This was
completed in
October 1996. Position: 41º 07.272' S 146º 19.716' E.
The wreck site was almost
immediately successful in
attracting reef fish such as Red Cod, Bearded Cod and Bulls-eyes.
however, perhaps due to severe storm conditions the hull of the seal
broke up
after 6 months and while there is a considerable amount of debris at
the site
it's value as a diveable artificial reef has diminished, however local
have gone to the trouble of placing a buoy on the site so the seal is
undoubtedly performing its role as a fish habitat
The Leven club remained
undaunted and vowed to try again
with something a bit more substantial. This time, with the help of a
Heritage trrust grant, it was decided to purchase 'Reefball' moulds and
a reef out of prefabricated concrete shells. These types of artificial
have been successfully established around the world and are the
brainchild of
the Reefball Foundation of America.
Reefballs are concrete
hemispheres, hollow inside and are
honeycombed with side and top openings and have proven to provide a
very stable
and ideal habitat for fish. They are placed in numbers in close
proximity to
each other and a reef is born. Apart from the Leven reef, there are
projects in Queensland, New South Wales and Western Auatralia.
For further information
regarding the Reefball Foundation
- goto:
During 2000, 50 reefballs
were constructed and in January
2001 they were deployed off Moorlands Beach near Port Sorell at a depth
of 20
Metres. The position of the reef is at:
41º07.235' S - 146º30.857' E
give or take
In the time the reefballs
have been in place, they have
attracted quite a variety of marine life forms. Sponges, kelp, algae,
ascidians, zoanthids and anenomes have attached to individual modules.
In areas
where clusters of reefballs have been dropped, there are shellfish,
and crabs. Pelagic fishlife has yet to establish itself in great
numbers but
boarfish, cod, cowfish silver trevally, silverbellies and barber perch
been sighted. The omnipresent Bass Stait winter weather often
"cleans" the balls somewhat, but indications so far are extremely
promising in realising the LSC's ambition of creating a sustainable
For further reading on the
Leven SCUBA Club's reef
construction project:
Download Atificial Reef Report - by Greg Close